Useful Links In UK
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Ability net
A charity that brings the benefits of computer technology to adults and children with disabilities at home and at work. Formed by an amalgamation of The Computability Centre and the Foundation for Communication for the Disabled. It offers a programme of courses and seminars, an assessment service, an 0800 information and advice line and consultancy
Ableize Disability Directory
The Big Disability and Health Directory of UK Disabled and Health Needs. Disability, disabled and Health related web sites offering products, goods, services, aids, information and advice under the convenient roof of one web site directory.
Action for Blind People
A UK charity that aims to enable blind and visual impaired people to enjoy equal opportunities in every aspect of their lives through work, leisure, housing and support.
Action for M.E.
M.E. is also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). It is sometimes diagnosed as Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome (PVFS).
Alzheimer's Society
Provides helplines and support for carers, runs quality day and home care, funds medical and scientific research and gives financial help to families in need.
Arthritis Care
Arthritis Care is the UK's largest voluntary organisation working with and for all people with arthritis from every section of the community. Its mission is to empower people to take control of their arthritis, their lives and their organisation. The site includes local contact groups.
Asthma UK
Advice for people with asthma and healthcare professionals
Benefits Calculator
A form provided by Thanet District Council that will provide an instant on-line benefits estimate
British Computer Association of the Blind
BCAB is a self-help group of visually impaired computer professionals and users who can help visually impaired people to access and use information and communications technology.
British Council of Disabled People
National umbrella organisation comprising 120 full member organisations of disabled people.