Ministry of Social Affairs

Question Replied



To John Australia

Dear John

Services for people with learning disabilities in Gibraltar come under the umbrella of the Social Services Agency, a statutory body which operates under the provisions of the Social Services Agency Act 2002.

Dr Giraldi Home provides residential care for 14 adults with learning disabilities.  This facility is unitised into four separate self-contained apartments, one of which is used to offer a respite and sitting service. In addition, two other adults are supported on a 24-hour basis in a flat in the community and one child is also supported on a 24-hour basis in a flat in the community.  Each flat has a senior social care worker with supervisory responsibility for a team of social care workers.  The Team Leader of the adult social work team has overall responsibility for this service but is not on location.  The Manager and the Deputy Manager are on location and responsible for the management of all the above.

St Bernadette’s Occupational Therapy Centre is a day centre for persons with learning disabilities aged 16 and over.  Activities to promote integration and stimulation are provided in three units.  The Centre opens during the academic year and provides a service to 30 users.  The Centre is currently under review with a view to moving away from the academic model and developing into a Resource Centre which is open all the year round and which allows users to access a range of activities in the community as part of their programmes.

Social Workers also have a role to play as follows.

1/ Promote disability awareness by example.

2/ Complete carer’s needs assessments.

3/ Respond to changing needs of service users by carrying out further assessments

4/ Act as a point of reference for keyworkers in supporting service users who wish to access services within the community, such as training, work placements, benefits etc.

5/ Report service deficiencies to managers.

6/ Monitor and review care plans.

7/ Provide a link between service providers and service users’ families.

8/ Any other duties deemed necessary after consultation with the managers and the Team Leader.

St Martin’s School is operated under the Education Department and caters for the needs of children with learning disabilities.  A programme of inclusion into mainstream schools is also operated by the Education Department.

Government also pays a grant to the local Disability Society who in turn manages a home help scheme for families of people with learning disabilities.

For more information you can contact the Team Leader for Adult Services, Social Services Agency, 16 Governor’s Parade, Gibraltar.

I hope the above information is of use.


Frances Garro
PS to Minister for Social Affairs.


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